Two government primary schools in Nakasongola district will not reopen as earlier planned, as the district struggles to relocate people who were displaced by floodwaters from Lake Kyoga.
The affected schools are Busone and Katuba primary schools located in Nabiswera sub-county.
Hundreds of people sought refuge in the school premises after a tragedy befell residents in areas neighbouring Lake Kyoga when water levels increased submerging houses and displacing families.
Last week, Nakasongola district issued an ultimatum to the victims to vacate the schools by Tuesday to enable candidates to resume studies on Thursday.
However, by today, over 40 families had failed to vacate the school premises.
Meanwhile school proprietors in mbarara have asked the parents to provide all the necessities requires at the schools to avoid inconveniences ahead of tomorrow’s re-opening of schools.
Robert Natukwasa the director Mbarara community institute said as community they met the SOP’s as per ministry of health and education guidelines what is remaining is the role of the parents and guardians to fulfill their roles.
The Mbarara city mayor Robert Mugabe Kakyebezi has called upon Parents, educationists and stake holders to adhere to a series of guidelines which must be followed by the schools.
Some of the guidelines include among others barring learners and teachers from entering school premises without masks and schools to operate as either day or boarding but not both.